Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I know I haven't posted anything in a while but with winter comes limited adventures and work has been super crazy lately. I have done a few paintings lately and it did snow here recently so that was fun. Alright let's see, the last time I updated I told you guys that I was working on a Pokemon painting for myself and I finally finished it.

Then I got a leaf shaped hole punch and did a few seasonal tree paintings for a friend. 

And then it snowed. I'm not going to put ALLLLLL the pictures I took during the snow on here because I took a lot but I will put some of my favorites up. 

And I've been working on this one painting lately and I finally finished it and decided to frame it. 

And that's about all I've been doing lately other than bumming around on Netflix and reading. Winter is a very dull time as far as adventures go because it's WAAAAAAY too cold to do much of anything.  Now that it's starting to warm up again maybe I'll have some better updates.