Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Marble Mine Trail

Somewhere around Summerville, Ga is a state park called Sloppy Joe Floyd State Park. There is this trail there that leads to an old mine, so being the adventurer that I am, I decided that I wanted to see it. So, my adventure buddy and I decided we were going to hit the trails again on our day off and head on up there. First of all, you have to walk across this bridge that goes across a lake. That was pretty cool (stupid me didn't take any pictures of it) and apparently they have mutant fish there. There was this huge fish we saw that was probably longer than my foot. HOLY COW! The problem with this trail is, it's not marked clearly. But hey, it's an adventure right? So we start on the trail and let me tell you, these woods are some creepy ass woods. It was kind of like something out of a horror movie. Anyway, we go a little ways down the trail and we get to this fork. According to the website I found on this place, going straight was the easy to moderate trail and going to the right was the harder one. Apparently, their easy to moderate is different than mine because this was a straight up the mountain trail with loose rocks and since it had been raining recently, the red clay (better know as sticky georgia clay) made it difficult to find footing without busting your ass. It was a nice little hike and it didn't take us very long to get to the mine. I thought that we would be able to go a little further back into the mine but it doesn't, which was a bit of a disappointment, but it had this little pool and a small little waterfall (of which I took pictures!!) I also apologize because some of the pictures are a bit blurry.

It was a nice little alcove but not what I was expecting. On our way back down the trail it started to rain, but we couldn't feel it because the canopy was so dense that it stopped the rain from reaching the bottom. All in all it was a nice little get away but not much fun because you couldn't even play in the little pool in front of the mine. Oh well. 


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Adventure Time Part 2

Last week I went back to the Keown falls with a friend to try and make it up the mountain to see the falls this time and not be a failure. Well we made it....but with there not being much rain lately, the falls were more of a....trickle. But, it was still a fun time and I feel accomplished that I made it. I ended up having to stop a few times along the way to catch my breath (and try not to pass out) but Bill, my 50 year old friend, didn't seem winded at all. I'm so out of shape. So today, in order to get back in shape, so I can climb a small mountain without almost passing out, I joined a gym. Hopefully I can get in better shape so that it doesn't take too much out of me to go on a small hike. -__- Afterwards, we went to another little spot where kids go to play in the water and waded around and skipped some rocks but then people started coming around so we left. Here are some pictures from our little adventure.

The falls run over this little alcove where you can sit behind it, looks like people mostly go back there to drink and smoke and who knows what else.

 A neat little bridge on up from the falls, there were two other trails once you got past the falls and this was one of them.

 Looking at the mountains behind us as we climbed up to where the falls were.

The overlook that is up past the falls. It's so pretty up there.

This is my friend, Bill. He's a goober. 

The little spot where we stopped to play in the water. The water was nice and cool but the rocks were pretty rough on bare feet. Next time I go somewhere, I'll have to bring some shoes to play in the water with.

Couldn't help but stop and take a picture on the little bridge a few pictures up. Such a photographer. :D

We have decided that we want to go on other hikes around North Georgia, I found some good ones but it's hard to get out when you work full time. Hopefully more adventures come my way and I can post more pictures of the beautiful North Georgia landscapes. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Went on an adventure today to The Pocket with dad. It's mostly just trails and creeks and mountains and all that fun stuff. I love all that stuff. I tried to hike up to Keown Falls but it's a pretty long way up the mountain and it's not all that fun to hike by yourself. My legs are still pretty sore. I did get some pretty awesome pictures though.

                       A tree had fallen across the path and you had to climb over it to keep going.

                When we got back to town, Dad took me to Sonic. Watermelon Slush with nerds. yum.