I saw this saying somewhere on the interwebz and loved it so one day I just got the urge to just take random colors and just start painting with no goal in mind and I came up with the awesome background and thought, "this quote would go GREAT with this background." and that is how this painting was born.
Next up is a small little painting I did when I was thinking about getting my clover tattoo. It's just a little something to remind me what my tattoo means and it ultimately made me decide what tattoo I wanted to get.
This painting is one of my favorites. This was before I discovered that Sharpie paint pens are good for writing on top of paint. (which is what I use know anytime I have words that need to be written....it's SOOOO much easier!) Anyway, I have loved this quote since the first time I saw it. Funny story about this painting, I had it hanging over my bed for a while and suddenly one night it decided it wanted to fall on top of me and scare the crap out of me. Actually, I think there's a ghost in my house but that's another post for another day....
And finally, this is not really anything special. I was just playing around with paint and the background came out kind of crappy looking but the top colors are all bright and pretty and I really liked them so I decided to add this into my "art" stuff.
And....that concludes this post. That's all the "old" art so the next post will start all the new stuff that I've been working on! If you want to see all the new art before it's posted on here please feel free to follow my instagram, Niko2theNiko (which is where I post all my art as soon as it's finished...plus all the other pictures I take in my everyday life.)
Hope you enjoyed this segment of "Niko has fun with paint."