Sunday, August 18, 2013

Not an art post!

So tonight I start working third shift. It's a huge weight off of my shoulders. I'm not in a position where I have to be responsible for anything anymore and I get more hours. Also, I don't have to run a register or deal with customers anymore! Most of the time, I don't mind dealing with customers but running a register is hell. I hated it with a passion. But now, I don't have to worry about it anymore. Now all I have to worry about is putting stock on the shelves. I can do that. I'm excited (and a little tired, not used to this whole third shift thing yet even though I do it every Saturday night) most people think I'm crazy for being excited for third shift but I am very much an introvert and I don't like people in general. I would much rather sit in my room, alone, playing video games or on the computer than go out and do stuff with people. My mom says that it's not good but that's just how I'm built. Anyway, I gotta go get ready for my first night on third shift. Wish me luck that I can stay awake all night LOL.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Raise your voice

I saw this quote somewhere online and it really stuck with me. I always have to remind myself to not get angry but just to let things roll off my shoulders. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with this painting but i got the words painted and then I was like "OH! flower." but then there was this big empty space so I added a bee. :D

Saturday, August 3, 2013

You'll Be The King and I'll Be Your Lionheart

This painting is one of my first. I fell in love with the song King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men and just the word Lionheart. I am very much an introvert, so it kind of reminds me that even if I'm scared of a situation or what not, I should always be brave. So I painted this and hung it up right beside my door so I see it everytime I leave my room.

Also....the red background kind of blends in with my red walls....I didn't think about that when I painted it.